Sunday, September 9

So ...

... GWB has left the city, most of the rest of them leave tonight. I guess we should have our city back soon.
And, I'll shut up about J-walkers for a bit now - you give em power they will use it!


e said...

Ah yes, must keep dangerous jaywalking accountants who can't see off the streets. I've always said this.

cookiecrumb said...

You must go take a hot, cleansing shower, Ms. Mouse. Ew. W. Ew.

Pink Granite said...

I'll say again, but probably not for the last time:
Ever so sorry...

Ms Brown Mouse said...

bless every single one of your cotton socks!

Urban Koda said...

Thanks for taking such good care of W for us... Not sure whats going to happen when he goes gallavanting around the world.

Anonymous said...

He goes for a bike ride apparently.