Saturday, September 22

Pond installment ...

... so, he was right. The new filter thing works like a dream.
The before shot, when we knew we had fish but could only see them when the came to the top.
The after shot, a week later and you can see all the way to the bottom. So that's what fish do during the day.
Right he may be, but he still has to clean it. And this is what came out. Yuck, the bebe eggplants were the recipients of this brew, hope they enjoy it.


e said...

Don't you just love the manly men and their contraptions? So fun.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Well I love this particular manly man, most of the time anyhoo :) And the contraption works - which means we go fish shopping tomorrow - yay!

cookiecrumb said...

Pretty amazing. I'd like to borrow him.
AND: you are now "composting." Lucky eggplants.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Cookie - you'll have to get in line, I'm constantly lending him to other girlies. Funny, I always thought these were things men were just good at, the handy things, but apparently not. Glad I got a handy one though, it's a lot cheaper than paying tradies.