Monday, July 9

Just getting ready ...

... for my bees, and this may be a bit over the top, but for only $145 I can get myself a full bee suit! How cool is that??Pic thanks to ...


e said...

1. Of course you must get the bee suit!

2. Bees? 'splain, please.

e said...

PS Make sure when you get the suit that you don't get the creepy looking dummy shown in the picture.

Matsby said...

The best thing about this bee suit is that you can also use it for fencing.

Baybe you can even fence the bees...

cookiecrumb said...

I might walk around in that bee suit. Yeah, I might!

Chester The Bear said...

Oh. I want one. Damn... where did I put my credit card?

Roo said...

You're getting bees - fab! A freind had three hives and it was a joy to watch them come and go

Ms Brown Mouse said...

The bees are the native bee hive Mr Brown got me for my birthday (only they won't deliver until September, too cold for them right now). A whole suit may be a bit over the top, I may just go the pith helmet & veil - they are stingless bees after all! Still the "screen shopping" is such fun - all the tools of the trade - again a wee bit over the top since these native bees will probably yield about a teaspoon of honey per annum!