Wednesday, July 18

chocolate covered coffee beans ...

... I'm sitting, eating chocolate covered coffee beans - that is to say, I'm sucking the chocolate from chocolate covered coffee beans and spitting out the bean bit, like a pip from a mandarin.


Roo said...

Why not just eat chocolate. As for Choc covered coffee beans, what the heck is the point? ;o)

Ms Brown Mouse said...

They were a gift from a well meaning friend - I can see her thinking - DMM likes chocolate, DMM likes coffee - ohh look, chocolate covered coffee beans.
I'm not sure what the point of them is. I accidentially chewed 2 and spent ages spitting out bits of bean - got quite a head spin though.

Roo said...

;o) mind you I can talk, sat here chewing on a liquorice twig

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Ha, you mean an actual stick?? I had a friend in high school who chewed what she called liquorice sticks - I never dared try one.