Wednesday, April 25

Strawberries ...

... are still popping out, now and again. Red, sweet, a little misshapen, but more strawberry flavoured than anything you could buy in a shop.
Sometimes I bring a lone strawberry in for Mr Brown, a wee gesture of affection. Other times, like for this particular fellow, I gobble it right away, letting the warm juices fill my mouth and nose with strawberryness. Isn't it magic how the smell of a thing can so influence your taste of it?


e said...

I seem to remember that taste is only sweet, sour, salt, and bitter. Everything else is smell. Somehow I just love that idea - it's even more magical for me that it's my sense of smell that makes things taste so varied and amazing.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

That is indeed a lovely thougt - makes sense too, when you remember that the nose and throat are somehow linked, right at the back of your head.

Chester The Bear said...

How do they get the strawberry flavour into it? Did you have to send it away?

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Mr Bear, it's like MAGIC, the flavour just happens. Something to do with sunshine, rain and cow poo I think, but best not to go too far into it, and just enjoy the mystery.