Friday, April 6

The pond saga continues ...

... so today we finally got to putting water in the pond. After washing all sorts of sandy crap off the 20kg of "clean" stones we bought for the bottom. Once filled, Mr Brown cunningly developed a wire system by which the bebe water plants can be slowly lowered to the bottom of the pond as they grow. They'll eventually sit at the bottom providing oxygen, food and hiding opportunities for fishies. Mr Brown broke my heart by informing me I can't rush off and buy the fishies tomorrow, I've got to wait until NEXT weekend. I'm gutted. Speaking of guts, doesn't this eerily opalescent stuff look revoltingly like something you'd find at the back of a butcher shop? Tres useful though, it sucks the water from the bottom of the pond up to the $7.50 pump (still can't believe that wee bargain) and out the top, making a very pleasant tinkly water sound.And then it rained.


Anonymous said...

when does the sausage meat go in to that tubular thing?

Ms Brown Mouse said...

if we get stoopid fish, then they might go in!