Friday, April 20

It just gets better and better ...

... I've confessed before, my passion for pomegranates.
Well you can imagine the joy I felt when I discovered you can drink them. I hope you can get some of this stuff in Australia.


Anonymous said...

grooooovy baby, yeh! this stuff looks sublime, and the website was a delightful place to visit.

i see that it's made in kentucky. if you can't find any in oz, would you like me to see if i can find some here to send over? i dont kno if im allowed to do that but i can check. if not, the least i can do is ring the pommegranite people and ask them if they export to Oz. or to NZ. if they dont export to Oz, then mebe you could go to NZ on the pretext of a holiday and just lay in a jacuzzi for a week with some pama juice, mister brown and lots of bubbles.

what say you to one of these plans?

Ms Brown Mouse said...

CAW, that plan at the end, that sounds the bomb bebe, but perhaps not quite practical. I'll see if I can get it here and if not, I will, fer sher, call on your international smuggling abilities.
Kentucky eh? Who'd a thunk?

Anonymous said...

okie dokie luvvie - let me know how yer go okay? yes, kentucky. truth is stranger than fiction.