Wednesday, April 4

It finally rained ...

... last night, actually it was 4am this morning and it lasted about an hour (how do I know this? I know this because some wierd animal was growling outside my bedroom window at 4am and woke me). The inner west didn't get the hail & monster rain the eastern suburbs copped.
Chester the Bear has posted a little piece about a cat, Sooty, that made me weep. Sooty the cat reminds me of Toogie who died a few years back. Toogie now haunts the bottom of the garden. Seeing Sooty's picture and reading that he's not expected to last was just too much I'm afraid.
I know non-pet people don't get it. I understand that people with children think pets are just poor substitutes, but they are wrong. Pets aren't a substitute for anything (or shouldn't be), they are pets and bring a warm furry joy to your life. They are excellent company and make good weeping companions when necessary. Nothing prepares you for when they leave and nothing prepares you for the big empty hole they leave in your chest, sort of near the heart area. The hole gets smaller with time but there's always a little rumbling purr deep inside you, you remember them.


LBA said...

I have a child, but I don't think you were reading my blog when I lost my beloved Hamlyn earlier this year.

I get it :(

I had to learn to compose myself, and function, for my confused son, whose mummy couldn't stop sobbing, or who would woudl suddenly have tears running down her face for no apparent reason.

It was really hard.

I think everyone should have a pet to care for, and to care for them.


Ms Brown Mouse said...

I should have said some people with children because, yes, I know people like you too, who can love both the furry & the non-furry. My mum is like that. But you do get comments from the thoughtless about "child substitutes" and it shits me to tears.
So sorry to hear about your Hamlyn, it really is heartbreaking to lose a furry friend.

LBA said...

Yeah, I knew what you meant. I'm actually surprised to find that NONE of my son's 'regular' little friends, not one of them own a pet.

I find that bizarre.

None of the parents are renting ( where owning a pet can be fraught ), so ... ?!??

I'd love to get him a kitten actually ... as our old Bob is so set in his ways, and suffers remembrance of pain inflicted from only last year ( too much lovin' ), so is wary.

Maybe next year though ... i'd hate him to "Lennie" the kit, a'la "Of Mice and Men"....

And we really should wait until Bob moves on ...

LBA said...

You can read about my beautiful boy here :

But only if you wish :)

He still makes me cry, and I still miss him. But I still miss all my pets :)

Anonymous said...

I'd give my right arm to have a kitten or a puppy but not knowing where we will end up renders it quite a selfish move on my human part. if we get in a boat and sail away somewhere, what ever would we, could we, do with a most beautiful creature we love with all our hearts?
no. t'isnt fair on them.
one day, when we've stopped moving around the world, we're going to surround ourselves with puppies and kittens. and i can't wait!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Get a ship cat Caw! They provide cuddles and keep the ship rats down to a bare minimum!
But I guess laws nowadays stop that sort of thing, sigh, the bad old days were, sometimes, gooduns!