Friday, February 2

A pretty damning portrait ...

... of Sydney folk. And yes I'm sure we've all met people like the ones described in the article but can I assure anyone who reads Mr James's book, we aren't all like that.
Some of us delight in making something nice for a friend, just to cheer her up. Or cook a freezer full of dinners for a brand new mummy. And not all of us are "competing viciously with each other", hell we even delight in a friend's promotion. Friendships may have "become a matter of self-interest" to some, but not all, really. Some of us just like to get together with some nice folk to share a meal, perhaps a bottle of wine and just chill & chat.
Mr James says, to be cured of the affluenza virus, we need to find meaning in our lives, that "that meaning might involve reading a book, teaching a child how to thread a daisy chain or helping a friend move house. They are things that don't lead us to "achieve anything", and do not provide money or status". Glad to say the Brown-Mice have meaning packed lives - I may well pack a bit more in at the weekend, there's a book I want to finish.


Chester The Bear said...

Um... "Helping a friend move house"?

Darl, there are some things in life you pay other people to do. Moving house is one of them.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Mr Bear, I think the help a friend move house should only apply to students & the very young. Once a person (mouse or bear) starts owning real furniture, more that 2 boxes of books and a wine cellar, (and starts to get mysterious "pains" in the back & knees) then you most certainly get the professionals in.