Tuesday, January 30

Thing died yesterday ...

... Thing was my parent's cat, a rescued feral kitten with the wildest yellow eyes you'd ever see. He was about 14. He'd had a very good life but, in the end, his kidneys packed it in. Kidney's seem to the the feline Achilles heel. He also had a voice that could break glass, or at least cause you to drop something if you weren't expecting it. And his purr, it could vibrate right through you. He was a lovely wee thing, quite cuddly to his few special people (Mr Brown & I were, which made us feel special). He had a habit of standing tippy-toe on his back feet and bunting his head into your hands, for pats.
He died in mum's arms, with some weeping, and was taken home to be buried in the garden. Afterwards, Dad went for a very, very long walk in the bush.
I know there are some people think pets are pets and pet owners are silly to be so emotionally attached to them. But they do fill your life with joy & gladness and if they live with you for a long time, when they die, they leave a big sad hole - sort of where your heart is.
Small, our elderly Siamese, is a little older than Thing was, she had a lot of extra attention and cuddles last night, which she didn't mind the least little bit.
Bye Thing.


Identity Crisis said...

Very well said and. well, very sad, but it appears he did have a fine life with good people.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Thanks, he did indeed have a fine life, much better than a feral kitten could hope to expect. He was much loved, much squeezed and much indulged, as all puss cats should be.

Anonymous said...

oh my dear mouse. i have been trying for days to post a comment of commiseration on your bloggage but attempts have been foiled by beta :( blogger. blergh.

i am so so sorry to hear of thing's passing to the big cat hotel in the sky. please give ms ping and small an extra cuddle from their blogger challenged aunty? and an extra hug for you too. a lovely post. sad.

CAW xxxx (not anonymous but the blogger fiends won't let me sign in ... argh)

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Ta Caw, poor Small is a little dazed, with all the extra cuddling, but I'll give them both some more extra squeezes from you.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Ooooh, and bastard blogger!

LBA said...

Sorry to hear that :(

I lost a good cat-friend to the kidneys last year. It makes me happy to know he's in the yard with me though ..

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Yes, tis nice to pop out and say hello when pottering & watering and chasing the live ones!