Monday, January 8

Sorry to be boring about blue banded bees ...

... but damnit, I'm just crazy about these little chaps, LOVE them and love that they choose to visit the Brown-Mouse garden every summer. Hell, I even keep growing that rather pink, leggy plant every year, just because they favour it.And finally I've managed to get some decent photographs of their endearing habit of snuggling down to sleep together every night, from about 7pm.They choose a suitable bit of stalk and start flying in. They really like to be up close but also hate it when, after settling down, another one wants to come in too. The leg waving that goes on is astounding - it just screams bugger orf mate (only in bee, clearly).To start they hang on with just their mouth parts, then have a jolly good groom, their evening ablutions one assumes. And then hang on with all 6 leggies until morning, when they fly off to buzz pollinate my tomato plants, bless their insect-7 hearts.


Chester The Bear said...

I tried shooing one out of my loungeroom the other day. Gently, of course. He just didn't want to go. Sadly, I found his body this morning.

Anonymous said...

Oh no - I hope treated the wee corpse with all due respect - perhap a burial under a tomato plant would be in order.

Chester The Bear said...

I'm training some other bees to form a guard of honour, and we have a very nice Jacaranda overlooking the bay that will make a nice final resting place.

caw said...

LOL Chester. You are a very thoughtful fellow. Will the guard line hold little flower stems for their departed friend? Or has he been whisked orf to the garden already?