Sunday, January 7

The big blue thing ...

... revealed, it's a new pot, set to become the Brown-Mouse fishpond. It has a couple of holes in the bottom which are just right, Mr Brown says, for the pump (he's done this sort of thing before, he's a VERY handy man). Then in will go some fish & a waterlily or two (if needs must I'll cheat on the compact thing for the fish, I'm not entirely sure where I'd get some recycled fish, other than birdpoo!)How big is it you ask? Well, it's big enough for me (a not insubstantial mouse) to fit inside. I was tempted to ask Mr Brown to man-handle it into the smallest bathroom in the inner-west, so I could use it for a bath, but no, best not.It's blue because we like blue and it will go with some other blue pots scattered about the garden. Perhaps we were satin bower birds in a former life.Oh and look at what 20 moths of not getting a haircut gets you - a jaunty pigtail!


caw said...

Your pot is very groovy however methinks your ponytail is groovier, if that's possible! Your hair has grown so long!

What plantage will live in the pot??

Anonymous said...

Fish to go in pots, with perhaps a water lily.
As for the hair - I'm now fully qualified to block shower drains.