Tuesday, May 2

Being crushed ...

at work. Gark, erk, blerg. I'd better not get another bloody ulcer, that would really piss me orf!
Bah - have come over all cranky panted - can't think of a single nice thing to blog. It's a total bastard, this having to earn a living & not having filthy rich parents who buy one houses and establish trust funds for one.
Am now going to stamp orf to bed ......


caw said...

Stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp.

That's me walking round in ever decreasing circles, frowning eyes downcast. Oh yes, I hear ya and I'm not even working, I'm being KEPT but even THAT sucks.

Perhaps we could advertise for a sugar daddy each. Filthy rich. 98 years of age. Ready to expire (must have enormous boat - helicopter optional).

Light conversation being the only requirement, and even then, we can bring our husbands along if we want while we shout out the stockmarket report from Forbes (I presume that being 98, he'd also be deaf as a post).

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Exactly what we need - where on earth will we find em??