Saturday, April 29

Summer sunset in a bottle

A successful experiment.

Plus thisEquals thisBasilcello, well sort of. I didn't follow Lucullian delight's instructions particularly well.
I couldn't buy any 95% alcohol (I strongly suspect it's illegal over here) so I used vodka. I'm more of a savory than a sweet tooth, so I cut back on the sugar content (by a lot). We only grew purple basil this year (the snails got all the green basil seedlings & I got grumpy & refused to grow them anymore), so rather than green Basilcello I got this beautiful rose-pink. Like a sunset at the end of summer.
I think it's beautiful & it certainly tastes of basil - a herb Mr Brown & I love & adore - it's the smell of summer & should keep us going until summer returns.


caw said...

Look. I'm going to ask a stupid question so I ask for your tolerance and forgiveness up front.

Um. Didn't it taste all basilly?

I know. I know. Silly of me to enquire but I had to.

Also, did you have it with ice or a (gasp) mixer?

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Well yes it does indeed taste like Basil - but that's a good thing in this house! Wif ice, solo! not too much or the top of the head blows right orf!