Saturday, March 25

A blast from the past ...

I'm in the process of clearing out a whole heap of junk from the end room (aka the shit room). I found a box with "morgan's shit, not to go into storage" written on the top and in it was this.Now I can remember the photograph was for the local newspaper, and I know it was some publicity for the local Cancer Council (anti smoking, pro hat-in-the- sun, good messages both), but I'm buggered if I can remember what year - perhaps Spindle Shanks can help me out - hmmmmmmm .... ?
And hey kids, that kiss a non-smoker, taste the difference thing, it's still true!


caw said...

What fine hats! Which one is yours?


Ms Brown Mouse said...

Umm that would be the visor thingy (& that skinny kid with long hair, that would be my former self).

caw said...

Aww, noice. What colour was said visor? I had a white one, used to wear it to kiddie tennis lessons. It kept falling over my eyes but I was too vain to take it off. After all, it matched my outfit.

Once, it fell & blocked my sight, I tripped on the court, fell headfirst on the net and bounced about 50 feet in the air.

What with not being able to breathe and all, I cast my vanity aside after that and never wore it again.

I always wanted a lime green one.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Colour,dunno, again perhaps Ms SS can help out with that one - possibly blue?

Ms Brown Mouse said...

11-12 sounds goodish - no idea who the other kids were - someones childers I guess. I suspect there was a great deal of running about, they always take shitloads of photos for any one given dodad.
I kept that tshirt for years - I think it ended it's life as a boat polishing rag!