Saturday, October 8

Guess what Mr Brown wants? ...

.... This.

Actually he wants one of these but $12,000 to make 4 cups of coffee a week is a tad excessive.


Zoomie said...

It really does look cool and he _did_ take you with him to Italy...

cookiecrumb said...

Oh, go ahead and get one, and take the change in boats.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

But what about francis francis?

Roo said...

Halloooooo everyone, sorry to have been hiding away for so long!

If he buys it, does it come with it's own operator??? I've always wanted a big Gaggia one, ever since as a kid my Dad used to take me to a cafe called Rea's in Middlesbrough (where I grew up) and right at the far end stood this wonderful machine, all brass and chrome with a domed top and an eagle on top... fab!

Zoomie said...

What if he said to you, "Use a Bic, honey?"

Pink Granite said...

Saw the $12K and nearly did a spit take.

Plus I am finding it impossible to resist typing the first thing that popped into my mind: "Was Mr. Brown recently hit in the head by the boom???"

Love you both!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Roo, I know those big ones with the eagle on top, big copper monsters, wonderful. He will NOT be getting a speedster!
Zoomie, he wouldn't dare ;)
Lee, I nearly chocked when I saw how much the Speedster was, I was searching it out to buy one! He had no idea it was that much until I told him.

e said...

Are you getting it? I love it. I want one. And I don't even drink coffee.