Thursday, June 24

Welcome to the 21st Century Australia

She did it.She probably shouldn't have at this time and so I worry about the likelihood of 'middle Australia' voting for a woman in the role come the election, but, oooooo how exciting!
She's a unionist, an atheist, she's not married (though has a significant other, what will he end up being called??) and she has no children.
I like her! Picky & cartoon thanks to First Dog on the Moon.


Winkinatcha said...


Well personally i Too am Uvber Pleased we have a chick leader at the Mo.. nast time to take the reigns for sure, but about bloody time.

Personality wise I do like the lass but the dispoportionate size of her arse worries me.


Ms Brown Mouse said...

Cookie, She's a tough bird, I just hope the silly old duffers don't let her down!
Winks, yep, not a good time but I've got my fingers crossed for her! As for her bum, must go google!

e said...

I like big butts and I cannot lie...

I don't remember the rest of the lyrics.

Yay for your new PM. Like the cartoon says, if gender was not an issue, it wouldn't be mentioned. But maybe after this, it won't be anymore.

S said...

Yay, yay, yay..I am still in shock!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

E - yep, but I've noticed the MOST comments are about her hair, she's a ranga! Blows my mind a tiny bit!
S - Woooooooooot! I've reached the warm glow stage, and I haven't even opened the Champagne yet !

Zoomie said...

Wow, that's great! Won't it be nice when no one's eyebrows are raised by having a woman at the helm?

Pink Granite said...

Wishing your new PM and all of you nothing but the best!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Zoomie - it will be nice, I wonder if we will still be around?
Lee - I'll pass you wishes on :)

Zoomie said...

I almost certainly won't be... but you might, being a young thing as you are.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

If I am I suspect I'll be too old to care :/