Sunday, June 27

It's remarkably difficult ....

.... to take photographs of young Tigger, when she's not being cooperative, which is pretty much any time she's not asleep.The naughty 'phase' continues unabated. In an attempt to save our own lives (she's a trip hazard) we got her a collar with a bell this afternoon, so we can at least hear her coming.Mr Brown commented on the foolishness of the colour, it's not as if we need her to be any faster. A little slower would be rather nice.I had to cut it down because she's so very, very wee, even though she's grown quite a bit.She nearly fits into hear ears now.She simply won't be still unless she wants to be. It's amazingly frustrating when you're wielding a camera.Still, I'm calling the blurry shots artistic and being done with it.Zoom, zoom, zoom!


Zoomie said...

She reminds me of Spook, the last Siamese kitten I had - always on the go and a little nuts! But so cute and engaging!

Pink Granite said...

If only we could bottle all that energy!
And thank heavens (for her sake) she's adorable!

cookiecrumb said...

I think I spent the first six months of Bartlett's residence with us under the covers. She was so hard.
She is now almost perfectly awesome. We went out today for anniversary lunch, and the girl stayed alone without accidents for three hours. She was still asleep when we walked in.
So! Rejoice in the feisty personality of your kit. If she's different from all your previous pets, Climate Change! I promise she will mellow out in a few more months.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Zoomie, she reminds me of nothing on this earth. Cute,yes, engaging, yes, dangerous yes, cuddly, sometimes!
Lee - If we bottled that energy would that mean she has less? Excellent idea. And are you suggesting some terrible fate would befall her if she were not such a snookiepuss? :)
Cookie - her feisty lunacy does entertain and (fingers crossed) no accidents yet. And the quite soft times, blissful snuggleyumkins *sigh*

Sue said...

Awwww - she's gorgeous!! Better not let Jake see these photos, he's desperate for a kitty...

e said...

The blurry ones are action shots. :o)

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Sue - not with huge dogs in the house, no :)
E - artistic action shots :)

Ro said...

Oh, she is absolutely adorable! If she would sit still for two seconds, I would definitely want to touch those beautiful big ears she has! They look very velvety. :)

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Ro, sometimes she sits still for minutes at a time, she is right now! And her ears are little velvet wings of lovley!

Pink Granite said...

No, no - it's just that the adorableness allows the two species to remain companions rather than adversaries!