Thursday, May 13

Why I changed my Twitter name ...

... my Twitter name was MorganMouse, I'm on a theme clearly.
Anyway, the other day I was visiting a work friend (as opposed to just a colleague), who's very high up in the organisation for which I work, the Government Department that Shall Not Be Named. I spotted a report-briefing thing on her desk with the word TWITTER in the title.
"Hello" said I, "what's all this then?"
"Pfft" said she, "we may get a Twitter account".
"Shit, no, not for reals, surely?"
"Maybe, probably not, but possibly".
"CRAP, I'd better go change my account name, or delete it, or lock it down or something!" Grabbing a copy of the report, I dashed from her office, her office with a WINDOW.
"O, do you tweet?" I heard as I flew on winged heels to my desk.

So, Morgan, it's not a very common name and I'm the only Morgan in the organisation. While I don't tweet much about work, I was still filled with hot-cheeked horror at the thought of work folk stumbling across MorganMouse and possibly putting two and two together.
So now I'm MsBrownMouse. Since Mr Brown is not Mr Brown's actual, real-life name (I know, we are SO sneaky, we should totally be spies or something), I don't think a link will ever be made.
And so, on a completely different subject, as I went out to feed Mrs Poss yesterday evening I spotted, out of the corner of my eye, what looked like a big, fat, red spider.It was not, it was a leaf-curler spider who had made her house out of a hot-pink camellia petal.


Pink Granite said...

Hmmm... spies.
That would explain so much...

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Lee, Harriet the Spy was one of my most favourite books ever!

Sue said...

Spiders - yuck! But very interesting photo subjects, I have to agree! Nice shot!!

Sue x