Saturday, March 27

The interwebs comes to my rescue ...

... in more ways than one.
I love hot cross buns. I love them hot with a hearty slab of butter.
And yet, I'm torn, because they are quite a potent symbol of a special christian festival and I'm loathe to support a religious festival.
But let's make that WAS torn shall we? Because it turns out the cross on the hot cross buns, was there years before a certain jewish gentleman was nailed to a tree (no, I'm not being all mocking and irreverent actually, though I understand why folk would think I was!). The cross was originally a symbol of the sun or sun wheel. And I'm a lot more comfortable with an ancient, non-practiced (well mostly) religion that basically marked the change of seasons, than with contemporary practiced ones. So, I'll scoff with a clear mind.
I'd probably never have known this (I may have stumbled across it, of course, given my highly eclectic reading habits, but then again, perhaps not) had I not stumbled across a reference on a baker's blog. A bit more googling and I was happy with a fact. Thank goodness for the interwebs.
Why was I reading a baker's blog?
Because I was at the end of a three-day long hunt for fabled Chocolate & Sour Cherry Hot Cross Buns. I knew I could get them at the Marrickville Organic Food & Farmers Market on Sundays. I also knew a sparrow-fart rising hour was required to ensure a purchase. I don't do mornings.
Basically I tweeted my rage at my inability to purchase Chocolate & Sour Cherry Hot Cross Buns anywhere within walking distance of my office. The baker, via twitter, let me know exactly how I could get my greedy little paws on some, not in the CBD but just near home. Easy pick up at weekends or before work! Big smoochies to the Brasserie Bread twitterer btw *mwah*
I could even order THIS if I wanted too! I suspect I will too.
The interwebs is my hero.


Zoomie said...

I have to share my only Easter joke:
Q: What do you get when you pour scalding water down a rabbit hole?
A: Hot, cross bunnies.
I crack myself up!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Teehee, Zoomie, my annual easter joke

Pink Granite said...

I would not want to go back to pre-internet days. I love having information at my fingertips.

Zoomie said...

You are absolutely bad to the bone - no wonder Mr. Brown loves life with you! :-)

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Lee, I'd be spending my entire life in the Library and still wouldn't be satisfied!
Zoomie, I'm taunting him with ice-cream with MY NAME on the lid at this very moment - he's not so keen today :)

S said...

enjoy them and make it organic butter from a happy cow xx

Ms Brown Mouse said...

S - happy butter from beautiful jersey cows from just up the road (a bit).