I read comic books. Yes, really. Not by choice so much as circumstance. I'd much rather read the adventures of Morpheus, the Lord of Dreams, in novel form. But Mr Gaiman chose not to provide the story as a nice book, but as a comic book, a series of comic books. It's not as if he couldn't have written a good book, he's written several, most of which I think I possess. But no, he went for comics and I must suffer the shameful consequences of becoming a comic geek.
Calling them graphic novels does not help.
The gripe? Well, having paid $ehemm for parts 1 & 2 in a local bookshop, I chuffed off to Amazon.com and found I could get the rest of the series for half price or under. I ordered the rest, paying only $ehemm.
(Mr Brown reads this blog from time to time and even though it's my own money, earned by the sweat of my own brow there are still some things married couples do NOT need to share. How much I spend on publications is one of those things).
This morning there was a delivery, I ripped open the box while Mr Brown was in the shower, I received parts 4, 5, 7, 9 & 10.
According to the Amazon.com docket thingy parts 3, 6, 8 & 11, were sent the same day, but clearly in a different fucking box, that was not delivered this morning.
WHY, Amazon.com, of why didn't you just bung the whole lot in the same box??
Here endeth the gripe.
In other, slightly book-related news, while out scouring the CBD for lunchibles, I found this plate in a Japanese teashop window.
Great plate - I know you'll enjoy that!
AHAHHAHAHA! so your secret is out then, comic-book-girl. As long as you don't attend nerdy events dressed as Darth Vader or such, what the heck. I may even posses one or two myself (actually one, a Pratchett one)
As for the shared funds/spending money/partner finding out thing, in all of the "hi, how are you, good day/bad day, what did I do with my free afternoon" talk this evening with Peter, I managed to get this into the conversation ..." and I had a couple of links removed from the strap of the watch I failed to mention I bought" - he never batted an eyelid, bless him ;o)
Zoomie - love the new profile picture.. are they heart shaped wee cakes?
I have a Babar bowl. We should do lunch.
Hi DMM -
Amazon's boxing and shipping logic has always eluded me!
I understand there is a distinct difference between comic books and graphic novels. For example, I would classify Art Spiegelman's "Maus" series as graphic novels, not comic books. Your Neil Gaiman works sure look like graphic novels to me!
I'm always fascinated how couples work out the whole money thing. Once Chuck and I married, it all went into the same pot. He kept the running total in the checkbook until it became clear I was better at it. That's the only change we made in 18 plus years. Speaking of which, I need to go jot down our debit receipts in the register!
Enjoy your new novels!
- Lee
P.S. I have a Peter Rabbit place setting my niece gave me...
Zoomie, I will indeed.
Roo, *blush*, I have the moral high hand in the shopping stakes as I didn't find out about the new boat until it was all done and dusted!
Cookie, we totally should.
Lee - money, we have ours and mine (the running away account). I do all the bill paying and banking and such and he peeks at the accounts from thime to time to check I've not fritted it all away on socks and chocolate (and books)!
Lee, I have Maus I & II!
Re: Mr. B's new boat situation:
And proof that every marriage/partnership is unique!
- Lee
Lee,,Well, it's better he gets a nice new boat that spends it on entertaining bimbos I guess :)
Roo, thanks, kind of you to notice. They are heart-shaped apple tarts. http://zoomiestation.blogspot.com/2009/04/apple-hearts.html if you want to know how to make them.
It's ok, it's Neil Gaiman. Whatever he does, is awesome. Now I want to read them too.
*knocking on the Brown Mice dwellings door* Good afternoon (good evening?), thanks for inviting me!
Oh, I would love to lay my hands on these books too, I didn't know there were so many of them. And I love your plate!
Gorel, you are most welcome. The wonders of internet shopping. It will fulfil your desires but send you broke:)
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