Wednesday, December 9

Thyme ...

... ours ran out. Well, shrivelled up and died really. I think it was the wildly exuberant passion fruit vine creating too much shade for the poor little thing.
Anyhoo, die it did, all my fault, I should have done something earlier. Like move it to this lovely sunny spot.
So that's where I planted the replacement, on the step, near the cat grass and the basil. All the sun lovers can stick together and turn those deadly rays into volatile oils for which to flavour my cooking.


M said...

Ours dies, then comes back, dies, then comes back. Can't decide whether it's Lazarus or a Pheonix.

Zoomie said...

My all-time favorite herb - thank you for finding it a sunny spot.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

M - ours survived like that for years, but this last time, not a single bit of green left, it's a gonna.
Zoomie, I dream of a thyme lawn.

cookiecrumb said...

You gotta have thyme.
A thyme lawn exists, theoretically anyway. There are aromatic thyme plants that only grow so high and give off aromas when you walk on them. (You already knew this.)