Tuesday, December 29

This one picture makes ...

... Rupert worthwhile. It turns out Blue Banded Bees have green eyes.


e said...

Wow. That is an AWESOME photo. Beautiful. Do you have a macro lens on? That is just gorgeous. Mmh mmh.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

I did NOT have the macro lens on, it was dark and I was in my sleeping attire, at the front of the house. Next time I'll have the macro, can you IMAGINE the results???

e said...

It blows my mind just to think of it. Way to go, Rupert. But kudos for having a very good eye.

Pink Granite said...

It is sufficiently detailed and intense that I can't look at it!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Lee, if you look you'll see his eyes and know that they are the same colour as Miss Pingu's!

CAW said...

Ooobly, gooobly, this is a magnificent shot of Le Bee - I loves it! And Rupert was not wearing his macro. Oh my.

I was just confessing to Ms e my undying desire for a macro lens. Today, I believe I found the one which will fit perfectly into my life and on my camera.

What type of camera action is young Rupert? Is he a DSLR of some sort? You and he are a great team :) xxxx

S said...

wow indeed, and such BIG eyes he has.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

CAW Rupert is a DSLR EOS500D, we picked up the macro lens in NY! Wheeeee!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

S - all the better to SEE you with my dear!

Zoomie said...

Oh, wow. Clear as a bell and so detailed!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Zoomie, I noes! you could imagine combing his ginger fur eh?