Tuesday, December 22

Small has developed a couple of interesting little ...

... idiosyncrasies in her dotage.
She can't cope if her water bowls aren't full to the brim, she can't seem to find the water if the level is the least bit down. So, of course, we fill it.
She's stopped asking to be let in. So we've got to keep an eye on the door, to see if she's waiting to be let in.
Sometimes she just gets lost, in the house, so will just stop and shout until someone comes to find her. I don't know what happens when we aren't home.
And, she has selected a new sleeping spot. It's the same couch she generally sleeps on, in the summer, but along the back, rather than the seat. Looks comfortable though, doesn't it.


e said...

Old kitties are cute. I would fill her bowl up, too.

cookiecrumb said...

Life is very interesting indeed, even as it peters out. I have actually loved witnessing the euthanasia of my doggies. Sad to miss them so, but such beautiful death.
(Your Results May Vary. Cranky could not attend the final moments.)

Pink Granite said...

It's all somewhere between terribly sweet and break your heart.
Thank you for the photographs.
Give Small our best - - - Ping too.
- Lee

Fe said...

Oh she's gorgeous.

Cats have a knack of finding that one sweet spot... and sticking to it.

makes me miss my old cats.


Ms Brown Mouse said...

E, we do what we can :)
Cookie, if it comes to that we'll both be there, we both were for our Toogie. It is sad but it's a good thing you can be there at the end, saying goodbye.
Lee, I'll pass it on, to both the furry misses.
Fe, they do indeed.

the mother said...

I see she's curled up alongside a woolly goanna!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Ma! She is indeed, they are the best of sleeping buddies (& he's too cute to leave on the floor).