... but I
KNOW I'm not the only one (
yes, I talking about you Lee).

Our new pegs,
Clever Pegs, arrived some little while ago, via the magic of on-line shopping and a rainy day Googling "
bespoke pegs". Yes, I really did that. It was a rainy day and I seem to recall an overwhelming desire for "
something pretty for the washing line".

They aren't pretty, but I am bit of a fan. The magic of the pegs is the double-endedness of them. No more one-handed juggling to get the right end of the peg between your fingers for the big squeeze-n-snap. Either end will do.

See, as the picture above demonstrates, both ends work equally well. On the right I used the bottom end, on the left, the top end. Or is it the other way around?
They are not the cheapest peg on the market, not by a long shot, but the time & temper saved justifies the expense.
I sing, while hanging out the washing, a lot more these days.
Thank you for the link.
I suppose I have become a bit of a laundry nerd!
You should have seen me rushing to take advantage of the unseasonably warm weather today. I couldn't believe how quickly everything dried - on December 4th in the Northern Hemisphere!
I noticed on their website you can hang a piece of laundry from another piece, using both ends of the peg at the same time. Have you tried that?
Thanks again!
- Lee
I've not tried that, because the yard is so narrow I've got to keep the washing up as high a possible, otherwise it brushes up against plantlife and gets all dirtyfied!
I'm impressed - I use just the plain old wooden ones. We are on the vanguard of a worldwide trend away from dryers. Yahoo!
They're ingenious. And, according to an article I read on the proper way to do laundry, they're plastic, so they won't conduct mold to your washing.
I'm using wooden clothes pins to hang ornaments from my Christmas tree. Ooh! Ooh! I just got an idea what the ornaments should be.
Zoomie, I used to use wooden pegs, but they got damp, moldy and left nasty black marks. Also, they rotted and broke. I fully accept this is ALL my fault because I leave the pegs outside, but still.
Cookie, yes exactly. & let me guess, tiny wee red&green socks and jocks?
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