Tuesday, December 22

It's officially Summer ...

... it's the solstice and everything.
Big Blue Skys and dry grass and gardens.
So, I've tweeked a bit.


e said...

For us, it's officially winter. Days are getting longer, woo hoo! Like the new, cheery summer color scheme.

cookiecrumb said...

If I was you I'd be all beachy and melanoma and rubbah slippahs. But I know you.

Pink Granite said...

Bright, crisp, cheery!
Happy summer for you and winter for us!
- Lee

Ms Brown Mouse said...

E, ta, it's the best I can manage in this mood.
Cookie, madness, madness I say!
Lee, I find the solstice cheering in that it means winter is on the way, slowly but it will come.