Monday, December 21

I read somewhere once that a skinned bear looks like a human being ...

... a skinned human being, obvy (otherwise known as flayed, a la St Batholomew, the ghoul in me loves how he's nearly always pictured with his skin, jauntily slung over his arm).
The thought stuck in my mind, for years and years, tucked away somewhere in the back of my brainbox, filed under "possibly useful".
The wee factoid popped to the fore the other day when I bought this book, Amazing Rare Things. It's the book of this exhibition that I'd have loved to have seen, the tyranny of distance, bah.
Anyway, the point is, in the book is this picture. An anatomical drawing of a bear foot, by the clever Mr Da Vinci.
Look closely and you tell me, if you disregard the claws of course, that, that isn't a human foot and ankle. Hell, when you consider the state of the toenails of some of the male of the species, it just plain IS a human foot.
Cool, eh?


Urban Koda said...

Way cool!!

cookiecrumb said...

If a bear came after me, I would just lie down. Not fight at all. Easier.

e said...

Do bears get bunions, too?

Ms Brown Mouse said...

UK - Way, way, cool.
Cookie, I'd poke it in the eye and tell it to bugger off home. Then it would bite my head off I suppose.
E - possibly, google it and see!