... where bebe Jacarandas come from?
Because if you did, this will be of some use to your questing minds.
When the pods split, flinging the seed with quite some velocity, it can be quite shocking.
Particularly when one is pinged on the back of the head!
Because if you did, this will be of some use to your questing minds.
What heavenly color - almost worth being pinged just to have that wonderful color.
Absolutely gorgeous - especially against that blue sky!
Zoomie, the colour is one of the joys of Sydney's spring.
Lee, like purple lace, until the flowers hit the ground, then it's not so pretty.
That is awesome. Botany by pinging.
I'd be out there lying on a rug all day, looking up into the tree. Wait, you do that too?
E - I'm sure Sir David has made that exact comment.
Cookie, the ground is hard, slimy with vegetable matter and crawling with insects. I sit in a chair ;)
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