Tuesday, November 10

Possums like apricots ...

... of course they do. Quite a bit. And they don't need teaching what to do with the pip. You just let it go, someone else comes along to clean it up.Nom, nom, nom.


cookiecrumb said...


Zoomie said...

How marvelous and delicate are their little fingers! And they aren't just dropping the pits, they are _planting_ them.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Zoomie - propagation by possum.

Pink Granite said...

I love the moment of inspection followed by the decision!

e said...

These are too cute. The first is my favorite. Apricots sure are delicious.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Lee, she licked it completely clean before dumping it.
E - they certainly are, nom, nom, nom.