Sunday, November 22

Persephone is in flower...

... I'd post pictures, I took quite a few, but it's too damned hot.


S said...

41 degrees C in your town! EVEN HOTTER THAN HERE.

Roo said...

For want of a better term, it's pissing down here!

Pink Granite said...

I won't describe our weather.
It would be cruel.

Could you install an energy efficient window air conditioner just in the bedroom? We use a small "EnergyStar" approved one and it's a blessing.

Stay as cool as you can...

Ms Brown Mouse said...

S - that must have been out west, we didn't get THAT hot, nearly but not quite.
Roo - my garden would love that.
Lee - your small kindness is appreciated. I'm investigating the tiny air conditioner option, fingers crossed for me.

Pink Granite said...

All ten - - - thumbs entwined!