Thursday, November 12

I knew things were too good to last ...

... and I was right.
Fuck it.


Zoomie said...

Oh, dear, what happened? I hope it's not about Small or Ping...

Ms Brown Mouse said...

No, work "issues". Given you spend so much actual time at work, you'd think it could cooperate by being less of a shit.

Pink Granite said...

Zoomie asked my question and I'm relieved by your answer - not to dismiss how dismal worklife can be sometimes.

I once became so frustrated at work, I actually threw my old fashioned (square/boxy/heavy) telephone from my desk, across my office, out the door and into the hallway! Thankfully I didn't hit anyone and was able to reel it back in by the cord. The behemoth wasn't even scratched!

May tomorrow be much better for you...
- Lee

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Lee, tomorrow is Saturday :) It will be better, no question!

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cookiecrumb said...

I've seen a lot of Tweets from people despising their workday on Friday (the 13th).
Must be something to it.
(Cranky just told me he believed you were not supposed to say out loud, "It's Friday the 13th." Hell, one more superstition to master.)

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Anonymous - thanks but I don't think viagra is the answer to my problems, but it was kind of you to offer!
Cookie, cepting it was thursday the poo hit. Friday was just further wallowing and I tried ever so hard to be cheerful, sometimes fake cheer becomes for real.
Dunno about the 13th, I'd say I don't do superstitions except I do the salt flung behind and the knocking on wood. I have actually cheered up but that's because it's Saturday, I've had eggandbaconroll for breakfast and tomorrow we go oyster hunting!