Tuesday, October 13

Spring is in the air ...

... without a doubt.
Lipstick Salvia.And a couple of native violets.These just popped up in the bean patch, I've not planted any for years.You can sort of see why they are called 'dead man's fingers' or is that just me?


cookiecrumb said...

Beautiful! We don't have those, but sometimes I get Lipstick Saliva.

Happy Spring! (We just pulled in our patio furniture.)

Zoomie said...

Beautiful pictures and lovely spring flowers. Enjoy the season! We are battening down the hatches here in anticipation of our first winter storm of the season.

Pink Granite said...

Thank you for the glimpse of spring.
Such a contrast to our mid autumn. Funny how both can be so colorful.
- Lee

e said...

Spring! It is springing. Unfortunately, we're going the other way. This week it's chilly, cloudy, and we're even getting some rain tomorrow. Whoa!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Cookie, happy Autumn, time to start the long, slow cooking.
Zoomie, we've been batterning down the hatches, due to days and days of wild wind and rain.
Lee, we are so going to visit again, to do some tree peeping.
E - rain? In LA? I don't believe you.

cookiecrumb said...

Hey! nobody's going to laugh at my Lipstick Saliva crack? I use Neutrogena "Nude Blush."

Ms Brown Mouse said...

He,eheeheeee, Cookie, but I can beat that, my blusher is called "Orgasm", for true!

cookiecrumb said...

I'll have what she's having!