Saturday, October 31

O, the shame ...

... the deep, blush-making shame.
This morning, as I lay abed and Mr Brown was apottering about. Our next door neighbour rang the bell (which actually goes, Knock Knock).
He'd just finished mowing his lawns, and he wondered if Mr Brown would like him to mow ours? While the mower was out? No trouble.
Now, we don't actually have a lawn, we have some grass mixed with loads of wild and tall weeds.
Yes, it's messy. No I don't particularly care much. Yes, I'd prefer it to be kept down. No, not enough to actually do anything about it.
We are those neighbours. The ones who bring down the tone of the street. I blush.

Yes, he mowed the "lawn".


Pink Granite said...

Be kind to yourself.
It sounds as if the neighbor made the offer and mowed the lawn with a cheerful spirit and was well intentioned.

We have a biggish lawn & after three years of mostly me mowing it, we hired someone who comes over with his specialized, oversized equipment & is gone in less than half an hour. It took me a whole hot icky day!

When we lived in neighborhoods, I shoveled neighbor's walks and was snowblowered out by other neighbors. We even had a neighbor out here clear our driveway with his tractor coupled with a front end scooper-thingie after a snow/ice mess.

We don't have a manicured place. Ours is wild and wooly. But we do have a tall hedge alongside the road which hides a multitude of sins!

You could always bring him a plate of cookies - - - or a broad bean & fennel tart as a thank you! Or you could barter with him all spring and summer long with your produce for his mowing - win win!

- Lee

Ms Brown Mouse said...

He is a lovely neighbour, so I'm pretty sure it was done in cheerful spirit. BUT ... the offer need not have been made if we kept the place tidier, like everyone else, all chic and minimalist. But we never will, so I'll just blush away, and make them a nice cake!

M said...

Hee Hee.

Perhaps he will weed the lawn as well.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

M, if he did there'd be nothing left!

Zoomie said...

Come live in Point Richmond - no one has fancy lawns here, just lots of weeds and more free time. :-)

cookiecrumb said...

I know how you feel. Just wait until a group of neighbors volunteers to paint your house. :(
(No, it hasn't happened to me. Yet.)
BTW, our front "lawn" is little rocks. Rocky, rocky, rocky. Stupid but effortless.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Growing up, one of my best friends lived in a "community association", lovely houses but loads of folk who thought they could impose their aesthetic on others. Her family constantly had it's lawns done, and got notes about painting and suchlike. I used to be so outraged on their behalf. It's good and it's bad and Mr Brown is just going to have to get the nail scissors out a little more often :)

e said...

How sweet of him. No need to blush, darling, this is what neighbors are for. Good neighbors, that is.