Sunday, October 25

My breakfast crumpets ...

... lashings of butter & just a whisper of Vegemite, were served on this. All the way from the UK, thanks to the mighty Aussie Dollar!
The dollar/pound exchange rate is generally so horribly NOT in our favour that UK shopping is usually only for must haves.
However, it's been so good of late (though not as good as the American dollar exchange rate) I've been a tad frivolous. I got that Daniel Craig tea towel too. Of course, now I'm wishing I'd got the matching bowl.


Stomper Girl said...

Pretty! I've been indulging in some UK shopping. Nearly bought a poster of David Tennant as Hamlet from the RSC but I jibbed at the postage.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

The postage is always a bastard - but sometimes it's a curse that simply must be borne. O, and DT, YUM!

S said...

it is lovely x

Ms Brown Mouse said...

S - I nose, it's silly & lovely & perfect for Sunday morning crumpets in bed!

Pink Granite said...

Absolutely adorable!

While we were at Lie Nielsen Toolworks in Maine on Saturday, they received a call from an Australian gentleman, traveling in the States, who was trying to figure out the most affordable way to purchase and ship some tools to Australia. It was an extremely long and complicated conversation!

Here's to the mighty Aussie Dollar!
- Lee

cookiecrumb said...

Oh, I am jealous.

("Jibbed." I'm looking that up in my Oz slang book.)

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Lee, we Australians have all been advised to buy stuff overseas NOW (esp electronics), because the prices aren't coming down here. Mr Brown has been doing a bit of shopping himself, we are all going wild thanks to the mighty aussie dollar!
Cookie, Jibbed, Jipped, ripped off. It's terribly unPC I'm afraid.

cookiecrumb said...

We still say "gypped" in the US, and we even spell it to resemble "Gypsy." Louts, we are.