Thursday, October 22

Mr Brown goes sailing ...


Urban Koda said...

Is Mr. Brown the one with the rudder, or the sailor hanging out over the water?

Either way, looks like a blast!

e said...


Roo said...

Bloody hell, that's a long way to sail for a pint of milk.....

Ms Brown Mouse said...

UK, he's the one hanging out over the water, as for 'blast' he thinks so!
E - again, according to Mr B, it is indeed.
Roo - I noes, but he prefers it that way ;)

Pink Granite said...

Holy Christmas Crap On A Crutch!
Mr. Brown's feet are on the OUTSIDE of the boat!!!
Excellent pic, btw!
- Lee

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Lee - pfft, even I've done that, it's the only bit of sailing I enjoy. Coming in again, that's the bad bit, I always get my bum wet!
O - it's a professional shot!