Tuesday, October 27

It must be daft bebe bird season again ...

... hmmm, let me check. Yep, it's that time of year again.
Walking home from the little train this afternoon I could not help but notice the noise of a distressed bebe noisy miner and his agitated parents. There he was, sitting in the middle of the road, just waiting to be run down by some unobservant cad.
So, I did it, I picked him up and popped him in a bush. I've not doubt he'll jump down again, and get eaten by some dog, or possum or run over by some too-big-for-the-street 4-wheel drive.
But I've done my best.


e said...

And thank goodness you did.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

stoopid boids!

Pink Granite said...

Well done!

Roo said...

Ohh it's a bird, not an abandoned kiddie.... I was wondering about the bush and parents looking on... It's been a lazy week and my brain isn't in gear yet ;o)

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Roo, you daft bugger. I'd have left a child in the middle of the road, no worries! ;)

Roo said...
