Wednesday, October 21

I went shopping today ...

... for gifts for Mr Brown & I to exchange at the end of the year (I'm his personal shopper you see, works well for us both), here.
Sure, it means I never get a surprise, but then, I HATE surprises, so that's not a problem.
So, it's mine, mine, mine, the top one. And Mr Brown is going to be very pleased with his bespoke piece (he likes surprises, so no pics).
Ms Buckley makes some of the most beautiful baubles and sparkles I've ever seen. Gorgeous colours, beautiful styling and nothing vulgar or garish. She has style and taste and I'm very glad we've reached a time of life that we can afford to indulge ourselves with lovely things from time to time.
(I stole the pic from her site, I didn't go completely mad with the magic card.)


Urban Koda said...

Looks like your Mr. Brown has some good taste!

cookiecrumb said...

the colors...

Roo said...

Neat ring, why don't men show off their bling? hmmm

Oh and very cool dancin' mices, we like ;o)

Ms Brown Mouse said...

UK. Mr Brown has excellent taste, and is a wise enough man to engage the services of a personal shopper with even BETTER taste ;)
Cookie, I know, all so pretty.
Roo, I recall some pretty spiffy cufflinks shown on your blog, from not so very long ago.
So glad you like the dancing mice!

S said...

it is beautiful - my girls will be glad they are your nieces (if they are good and nice)if you should ever die. - said sweetly and with no hope of you ever doing such a thing xx

Stomper Girl said...

So pretty. I should hire you for Mister Fixit's presents to me.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

S, there are a couple of other little girls who are rather nice to me, they may have to fight for the goodies :)
Stomper, anytime, just call!

S said...

DMM - nah don't spose they will bother fighting, that would be in VERY bad taste.

Roo said...

Morgan - I have my eye on a fab pair of links, I just need an excuse (wedding/birthday/funeral) to wear them.... yes funeral, it's the Irish in me, we like a good hoolie

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Roo, have a small sip of the Irish stuff for me!

Pink Granite said...

Those are handsome pieces.
As you know, we abandoned the whole holiday gift exchange ages ago. But your system is very smart!

Re: Roo & a good hoolie, I love a good wake, funeral and a nice funeral home too. Of course all only for folks who have lived to a ripe old age after a long, happy life!
- Lee

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Lee, we are slowly reducing the whole seasonal thing, but I do love a pretty sparkle.
The last couple of funerals I went to were very staid affairs, not very Irish at all. I like the wild ones with drinking, singing and telling of stories. My Grandmother's was the last of that ilk.