Sunday, September 13

Today my feet & I schlepped ...

... on a little walking tour of the Jewish Lower East Side district. Though, it's really Chinatown.
The old buildings are still there but I suspect one wave of immigrants has moved on and the next wave or two or three have moved in.
It was boiling hot, just that little way away from the river. I went bright red in the face and had to stop for a cooling mango smoothie. Thank goodness there was someone willing to sell me one.
Traditional old tenement apartments I believe. Small and no doubt expensive.
Coming home was a bit of a challenge, due to subway station closures and my getting all mixed up with J, F, 4 & 5 trains. But I just dithered about with a map until a nice local person came up and asked if I knew where I was going. On being told I'd no idea, she pointed me in the right direction, just in time. It's crap what folk say about New Yorkers being rude and unfriendly. They're perfectly lovely and I won't hear a word against them.
And then I went to the Museum of Jewish Heritage. This time it was open. While you know what went on, some of the details made me get all tight in the chest region.
I can't now, nor will I ever, understand how so many people could do nothing, just sit back and watch their neighbours be taken away.
And then homeward. To spot starlings splashing.
Sparrows snacking.
Flowers blooming.
And yes, you guessed it, squirrels being cuter than buttons.
A day without spotting a squirrel is day of sadness I believe.
I love the way they flit their tails, like silvery waterfalls.
This last shot is just Rupert showing off.
I'm going to miss the Battery Parks, I'd love to see them in winter.


e said...

Aren't the buildings gorgeous? Loved this post.

Pink Granite said...

I'm so glad you found the starlings, the sparrows, the flowers and the squirrels at the end of a long, hot emotional day.
Thank you...

Ms Brown Mouse said...

E, I love the buildings, so much better looking that the ghastly concrete oblong blocks we have at home :(
Lee - I was very, very glad to find so much nature, just being, at the end of the day.