Friday, September 4

Off to Newport Rhode Island ...

... Flora isn't coming with us. I hope she's going to be ok!


cookiecrumb said...

What the hell are you doing in Rhode Island? That's Cranky's old turf.
"Have a bowl of steamers," he says.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

We were visiting Lee (Pink Granite) and eating lobsters WITH CLAWS!
We had a big bowl of steamed littlenecks, does that count?

cookiecrumb said...

Yes, steamed littlenecks is IT!
How nice that you visited Lee. I'm jealous, of course; I want you for myself.
Hello, Lee. xx

Your husband is a dear, Mouse.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Well, he did drive me all the way to Rhode Island, on the wrong side of the road! So he'll do me.

Pink Granite said...

Hi DMM -
I agree, Mr. Brown is a dear - as are you!
Don't know how anyone manages to drive a car on the opposite side of the road they normally drive on. A motor scooter in Bermuda was enough of a challenge for me - especially the rotaries/roundabouts! Eeek!

Hi CookieCrumb!
Chuck and I feel very fortunate to have been able to meet DMM & Mr. Brown in the non-virtual world!
By "Cranky's old turf" do you mean Rhode Island or New England?
- Lee

cookiecrumb said...

Hi, Lee! Rhode Island, to be specific. He grew up in Providence (his dad was dean of Brown for a while) and Barrington. Total Family Guy. (Though he was born in Chelsea, MA.)

I hope you had a stupendous meeting.

Pink Granite said...

Hi CookieCrumb -
I too was born in Providence, but raised in Warwick. My nieces' Dad was born and raised in Barrington. We don't watch Family Guy, but thanks to the same nieces I understand the reference!

Under the heading of "small world" Chuck's paternal grandmother and her family settled in Chelsea, MA when they first came to America.

And yes the meeting was stupendous!
- Lee
P.S. Thanks Morgan, for letting us chat on your blog! ;o)