Saturday, August 15

Once upon a time ...

... I worked at a place where people who lived in strata schemes could ring up and ask questions about their rights and obligations under the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996. (Yes, that's right, I worked in a job where I actually helped people!). That's pretty much all we did, explain that particular bit of law to folk who could not be arsed looking it up themselves. "Why can't I build a spa bath on my balcony?" "How can we stop the 'renters' using the pool?" "Am I allowed to pull up the carpet and put down floorboards?" "What happens if I refuse to pay my levies?" "I've been told to stop leaving my washing up gloves to dry on the window sill, can they make me do that?" - Yes, that last one was an actual question.
As you can imagine, my colleagues and I had read the Act in question and knew it pretty much backwards (NOT rocket science by the way, it's a fairly simple piece of legislation), we'd quote bits at each other, just for larks. I was regularly astounded by the number of "lawyers" and "strata title management agents" who would ring for assistance.
So, the point of this ramble is, I saw this the other day*. And it reminded me that a colleague and I regularly threatened to leave and set up our own strata management agency. We were going to call it Satan's Spawn, the Strata Managers**. Our business cards were going to inform folk "we've actually READ the Act!".
That is all.

*Disclaimer, I've gone and looked at Mr Paul's page on the interwebs, I am NOT a Libertarian. I just found the illustration funny.
** Yes, really. But we didn't.


Pink Granite said...

1. For not jumping through the phone line and strangling anyone, you deserve a medal!
2. Good poster. One of the things I like about our President Obama is he was professor of Constitutional Law for 12 years. Such a nice change of pace!
- Lee

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Lee, there were times I wanted to :) And if I had a dollar for everytime someone told me how old they were and then announced ... "I'm too old for this!" I'd be a very, rich woman indeed.

Zee Poodle said...

lololol! I knew a strata manager once. He was an obnoxious and bizarre character.

Anyway, he once went on holiday but left his alarm clock on.

It went off at 4am & woke up half the residents b/c he was not there to turn it off. It went on & on & on & on. I had the flu, ergo I was NOT IMPRESSED.

Thinking someone had fallen and couldn't get up, I rang the fire brigade. Their big red truck came at 5am with lights ablaze & siren sounding. The firemen smashed the strata manager's bathroom window, then fell thru his glass shower screen. They shouted, "fuck!" a lot, however, they turned the alarm off.

Oy. Blessed relief. 10 minutes later, there was a knock at my door. A seriously gorgeous fireman stood there, apologising that they did not get to the alarm quickly enough. I coughed, snuffled and sneezed all over him while thanking him for his courageous effort in extinguishing the alarm. He went on his way.

The strata manager returned one wk later to a half wrecked apartment, smashed window & shower screen and no one ever told him who was responsible for making that call. I was extra nice to him after that but never confessed my sin. LOL