Friday, July 24

Childish fears ...

... This First Dog cartoon about childhood fears got me thinking. Remembering what I was frightened of as a wee person.
1. The witch who lived in the toilet - I don't know why she lived there but I knew she did so I had to flush and look before I'd sit down. Terrible waste of water but what could I do?
2. The witch who lived in the dark up the corridor - she was basically the Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz, so all mum had to do about that one was give me a glass of water to throw at her should she appear.
3. The crocodiles under my parent's bed - my dad convinced me they were there, I'd have to take a running leap from their bedroom door to their bed in the morning. O how I'd scream if he dangled me over the side (grrrr).
4. That something terrible would happen to my mum and I'd have to live with just my dad. This one is dad's fault too, he'd tell me she was "gone" until my weeping and creening was too much and she'd hear and come get me.
5. Drowning.
6. Childbirth - yes even as a youngster, all that blood, pain and general messyness, it's still the subject of many a nightmare!
What about you lot then?


Zoomie said...

Unseen things that brush one's legs while swimming in the sea (thank heavens for goggles). Waves (were they really just waves) slapping the underside of the surfboard my Dad was trying to teach me to ride.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Zoomie, Pretty much all of that is covered by #5, drowning. I'm NOT a big fan of the ocean, it has tried to kill me more than once!

Zoomie said...

I never worried about drowning - I've always been a strong swimmer - but the things under the water...

cookiecrumb said...

Volcanoes. What normal little kid living in Hawaii wouldn't be afraid of a flood of erupting hot red lava?

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Cookie - crikey, that would indeed fill a small person with fear!

Zoomie said...

But, Hawaii's volcanoes are so kind! No big explosions, just oozing rather slowly. You can easily outpace them, even little kids can. But, then, the fear of waves slapping on the underside of surfboards wasn't exactly logical, was it?

cookiecrumb said...

Zoomie: And where would I run to? The ocean? There's *things* in it!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Cookie's right, the ocean is full of things that bite and sting and has waves that pick you up, tumble you around and then slam you, breathless into the sand, and, if in Hawaii, straight into the oncoming lava!
Glad I grew up only surrounded by poison snakes and spiders!

Zoomie said...

Cookiecrumb, run sideways, silly, not downhill where the lava's going!

Willsie said...

I was afraid of "Bloody Mary." The story kids tell in the playground - if you say "Bloody Mary" three times into your bathroom mirror, with the lights off, in the middle of the night, she'll reach out and "scratch" you e.g., shredd your face with her mighty tallons.

I still can't look in the mirror when I wash my hands after peeing in the middle of the night. I'm afraid I'll look up and she'll be staring at me.

Also, any shower with the curtain drawn...because someone/thing is most definitely hiding behind it. I still have to check behind the curtain before I use someone's restroom.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

jeebers, more bathroom fears for me, still, at least we don't have a shower curtain.