Saturday, July 25

Beans ...

... Walk through THAT little lot Pythagoras, I dare you.Almost. Even MORE almost. So, now I'm just waiting.


Zoomie said...

Yes, I had to use the link to get the reference to Pythagoras. You're so darned literate!

cookiecrumb said...

Favas, eh? Not my fava-rite. I don't think I have favism. (I'm stuck in fauvism.)
Still, very impressed.
I've never grown beans!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Zoomie - I think I learned about Pythagoras' aversion to beans in a Tom Robbins novel, Jitterbug Perfume I suspect, or was that beet fields? Too lazy to get out of bed and look it up anyhoo!
Cookie - I'd better not find Matisse in my bean field. May find the possum though, does she count as a wild beast do you suppose? She makes cute little paw prints with pear and tomato juice.
Best thing about beans, you dig the stalks into the soil when they're done, good for it I'm told.

cookiecrumb said...

Then beans it is! In my post-Impression. And I'd love to find Matisse out there... Nekkid, and dancing.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

He can dance but only after the harvest, he can stomp those stalks into the ground.