Saturday, June 27

This post ...

... over at MightyGirl (who NEVER responded to my email about the "I fuck like a girl" t-shirt, AND which she doesn't appear to sell anymore), reminded my of a dream my sister once told me about.
She said she sat up and spat out a tooth, caught it in her hands and stared at it. Then, another tooth, and another, and another, they all started tumbling out.
I can't remember if is was she who told me, or if I looked it up or asked one of those mystical, horoscope-reading, dream-interpreting women I used to work with, but somehow I formed the idea that dreaming about losing your teeth = death (turns out it does, and many other things besides!).
My sister didn't die, of course, but she DID infect me with that dream. Or a version of it anyway. I don't dream of my teeth simply falling out, O no. I dream that my bottom row of teeth get caught behind my top row of teeth, my jaw locks and in my struggles to right things all my top teeth SNAP right off. Leaving nasty jagged stumps.
I wake in fright, feeling for the tooth shards and the stumps. It doesn't take long to work out it was "only a dream" but it's a horrible way to wake up.


S said...

I think you ned to start dreaming about rainbows and silky kittens tickling your nose.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

O, I do that too, just not at the moment. I think our doona is too hot!

Willsie said...

I have these dreams quite often - high anxiety. The most consistent interpretation I've been able to find is anxiety over impending change...either a real change in your life, imagined or generally dreaded.

It also may mean that you are grinding your teath while you sleep and may want to consult a dentist about getting a night-guard so you don't damage your teeth. I've actually had that dream a lot less often since I began using the night-guard.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Willsie, I don't grind my teeth, but I am a generally anxious person, so that's probably it. I think my exam nightmare fits in there too!