Sunday, May 3

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ....

.... oooooooooooooooooooo. If I can't get a regular dose of Jon Stewart I don't think I can go on. *weeps inconsolably*


Uli said...

You'll just have to sign up for Foxtel...

Ms Brown Mouse said...

NEVER - nope, no, never will I have the evil Foxtel in the Brown Mouse House.
I've worked out a way of watching them free anyway, thankgoodness.

e said...

Well, if you go to the home page, you can see it in segments. It's maybe a tad less convenient, but they seem to only be restricting access to the full episodes. Let us know if it works.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

E - thanks, I found some chap on the forum saying the same thing. It's a little disjointed but still works. Don't tell anyone, or they'll take that away too!

e said...

Disjointed Jon Stewart is better than no Jon Stewart. And your secret is safe with me.