Friday, April 3

If I was hungry enough I'd eat a bebe panda bear ...

... because I'm an omnivore. I've said this before. That said, I'd have to be pretty bloody hungry. Still.
Our Prime Minister, the Ruddbot, threw a bit of a tanty recently and made a young woman weep ,all because she couldn't provide a special non-red-meat meal for him on a prime-ministerial-flight.
Now, while I can sympathise with the whole, but-this-is-not-what-I-ordered thing, I find myself coming over all grumpified at our beloved leader.
Why? Because if you are going to give up meat, give it the fuck up!
Don't refuse to eat cute-moo cows or lovely fluffy baa-lambs or pink and squeaky little piggies but go on to say it's ok to slaughter and consume fluffy chickens or wee fishies! Chickens and fish have mummies and daddies too, and they bleed when you poke them with sharp sticks.
Either give up meat or shut up and eat it.
Crikey but these ovo-vegiquarians don't half give me the shits.


S said...

i don't think it is a moral stance - he is trying to loose weight tis all.

e said...

If he's trying to lose weight I might suggest to him: eat less, move more. And cut out the cheese and the bread more than the protein.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

S - then he's daft because red meat can be very lean indeed, and if it's grass raised, far healthier.
E - exactly. Though there's another story about a different tanty thrown because sandwiches were all that were available, instead of a nice hot lunch, so perhaps he IS trying to avoid the bread.