Tuesday, April 21

Apparently ...

... and according to The Guardian, the Brown-Mouse soap of choice is a "the design classic of the soap world". I feel special, designer clean in fact.


Zoomie said...

It's certainly an icon - I read about it all the time in the trashy English novels I have been known to read upon occasion... :-)

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Ooo - which trashy English novels would they be? Would I be correct in guessing M&B?

Ms Brown Mouse said...

S - Well,several reasons:
(a) because it smells nice, but not so strong that it the smell lingers or overpowers any smell you choose to pop on later;
(b) because it doesn't dry out our skin(s), whereas most other soaps do (even special, expensive, dry-skin soap);
(c) because it's actually a nice, middle-of-the-range priced soap; and, (d) because the teeny leftover bit melts into the new bar so, technically, we are using the same bar we originally started with when we first set up house together.
That is why.

Roo said...

Well, who'd have thought that Pears soap creates so much chatter - I love the smell (that and cold-tar soap)

I now know at least two of you read Mills & Boon novels, so some later black-mailing must come into play ;o)

And S - it's not really trashy cheap and nasty, otherwise why would it have been around since 1789? annnnd it was the worlds first transparent soap aaaand it was the worlds first registered brand (I rest my case for the defence m'lud)

Pink Granite said...

Pears is similar to Neutrogena's clear glycerine soap - or based on age, vice versa!
Both are quite nice, but I remain an Ivory soap gal myself. It was first sold in 1879 - hopelessly modern I know!
- Lee

S said...

well we may be cast from the same mold and all but it drys my skin so it feels pinched, tight and all shiny and the smell makes me gag.
(d) is very romantic tho.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Roo - NOT that I've read one since high school, but yes *blush* once did - for the "raceybits". And thank you for coming to Pear's defence. S is VERY hard on poor old Pears.
Lee - hopelessly modern, just like me :)
S - Romantic, arrrrggg, and I almost bought us matching shirts the other day - just SHOOT me now!

Zoomie said...

Barbara Cartland, mostly, when I was very young. I know, I know, so tacky!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

O zoomie, the pink lady?? That's even worse than M&B.