Thursday, March 12

My sister is a midwife ...

... the kind that attends home births, in paddling pools, in the living room. Apparently having your bebe at home, if that's what rocks your world, is in danger.
Anyway, it's clearly not my thing, but have a look at the video, my bebe sister is in it, and leave a comment, sign the petition, write to your local MP, whatever. We can't have those bastards telling women what to do after all*. Honestly, if you want to have a bebe at home, why not? As the little sister says, pregnancy isn't an illness.

* this video really only confirms my position on the whole birth thing.


Anonymous said...

Now that is something I never thought I would see on the pages of your blog!
Tar everso tho xx

Ms Brown Mouse said...

S - only because it's you darling.

Pink Granite said...

Beautiful video!

But illegal? Jiminy Cricket!
I thought we were crazy over here where the legality of midwives varies from state to state. As I understand, it also depends on what type of midwife you are and what license you hold.
Unfortunately, we don't have a high home birth rate, but many women are attended by midwives in other settings such as birthing centers.

I wish your sister, her colleagues and all the women of Australia the best of luck in their efforts.
- Lee

P.S. The music was amazing - any idea who was singing?

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Lee, I shall ask her for you.
And, you would not BELIEVE the problems midwives have getting insurance round these parts. It's not my thing but holy shit on a duck, where do people get off telling perfectly healthy women where/how they should be having their bebes?? It makes my blood boil!