Friday, January 2

I hate housework ...

... I fucking hate it.
I hate it with a deep visceral hate, a hate that boils up bitter resentment and loathing. I get hot, it makes me itch and it doesn’t matter how often you do it, there’s always more.
My standards are pretty low. I live with dust because to dust makes me incoherent with rage. I don’t do a thorough bathroom clean every week because to do so would render me apoplectic. And yet I somehow feel compelled to take it up on a week-ish basis, I guess because I can't live in filth - OH but I hate it so*.
I’ve recently taken up daily sweeping though (although only the kitchen and laundry/cat annex), a subliminal process, absorbed from my 2 lady neighbours.
They are fiends for the sweeping, inside and out. I know if lady-neighbour 1 is home because I hear her sweep. She sweeps the front porch, the back deck, the dunny lane down the side and, I can only assume, inside since she hasn’t a carpet or rug anywhere. Lady-neighbour 2 sweeps her entire house daily (another non-carpet/rug person). I hear the broom head bonking the skirting boards from one end of the house to the other.
They, both of them, have spotless, clutterless, interior-decorator-magazine style homes, something I only dream about occasionally but could never maintain.
Still, I placate myself with the thought that neither of them work outside the home. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
And now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to shower the remnants of housework away.

*And yes, in case you were wondering, this rant has been brought to you by my attempt at getting some cleaning done. BAH.


Pink Granite said...

Is there a club?
A merry band of housework hating folks who find a way to cope with the never-ever-ever-ever-ending nature of the tasks?

I love it when my home is clean - and if not white glove clean, then tidy and straightened. But it is so brief, so cruelly fleeting it makes me angry and crazy.

When I discover something, some task, some technique, however tiny, which makes any aspect of it easier, I rejoice. Our PAX closet units from IKEA give me reason to be happy. They fit the bill of "a place for everything and everything in its place". But even their paragon of order and organization does not run a vacuum or push a dust cloth.

I feel your pain.
- Lee

LBA said...

I'm so glad it's not just me that is an inner-clean-snob, yet is just-not-into cleaning.

I hope nobody sniffs in distaste when they come here. Luckily though, anyone who wants to come again is not a DROPPER-INNER. I hate dropper-inners. Give me 30mins to get me and the more obvious mess out of your eye. Or wear my antsy passive-aggressive wrath, I guess..

Sweeping hey ?
I think I should try that. I hate getting out the vacuum cleaner - the kids cry and whinge and freak out. I mainly use the dustbuster for daily 'ugh'.

Some people are anal though.
It's only when they seem well-adjusted AND perfect that I feel like shite :p

LBA said...

and also what Pink Granite said..

Pink Granite said...

Ditto on h&amp:b - especially dropper-inners!
I live in fear!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

I didn't think I was alone :)
I'll confess here and now I've been known to HIDE from dropper-inners. I just don't answer the door - this is mostly because my day to day wear is PJs, nice,pretty, clean PJs but still, don't want to get caught in them. Also, stuff, papers, bits and bobs that cover all surfaces - arrrg!.
And I'm quite sure my glossy, minimalist neighbours sniff in distaste at the clutter and stuff - then again, perhaps they think me MAD!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

I covert one of those robot vacuum cleaners but will not buy one until it dusts too!

e said...

I don't clean. I pay someone to do it. I do vacuum, which I don't mind now that I have my spiffy Dyson ball thingy, and I keep the kitchen clean. But that's it.

cookiecrumb said...

I not only hate housework, I don't do it. And I don't hire someone to do it.
I try to manage my clutter, but DUST HAPPENS.
I opened a hall closet once, and shrieked in horror, "What is that?"
It was the vacuum cleaner. I didn't recognize it.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

E - I've considered that option but it's a trust thing, clearly I don't trust strangers enough. Still, it would be bliss to come home now and again to find dust gone and floors gleaming.
Cookie, vacuuming is pretty much the only thing I don't mind so much, but that's probably because I hate a "crunchy" floor. O, and I don't mind putting Sven through his paces, that's rather soothing.

Pink Granite said...

Well, it appears WE are the merry band of housework hating folks!

I can't imagine hiring someone to come in and clean my house.

We have a Roomba. But it requires preparation to make sure things are up and out of the way - like lamp cords and things. It does a good job, but it is no Rosie The Robot a la "The Jetsons"!

When I vacuum, (using a Miele canister) I use the little brush attachment to dust as I go. I also use the very un-green/politically incorrect Swiffer and Grab-Its. What can I say? The darn things work well.
- Lee

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Shhhh Lee, don't tell but we use those swifter things too - orange smelling ones!

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Lee, I've seen clips on youtube of cats riding roombas - one day :)

cookiecrumb said...

Uh-oh. If Swiffers are illegal, just come and get me, coppers. Because there is no other way I will wipe surfaces. (I grow my food; consider it a carbon offset.)

Ms Brown Mouse said...

If there was a hell - we'd all be heading there, in a handbasket!