Saturday, December 13

A pertinent seasonal ...

.... message for all pet owners at this wildly indulgent time of year.


Roo said...

Oh I loved this, it made me laugh and them made me realise I miss my dog. That's it, we need another. :o) x

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Perhaps santa will leave you a puppy under the xmas tree!

Roo said...

If he does, I will be one happy bunny, you'll hear the yelps of delight from there, believe me!

I sat with friends last night and showed them the clip, then we watched all the other too - the artists seems to have cats and dogs sorted ;o)

Ms Brown Mouse said...

I'll cross my fingers for you Roo.
He is very good at distilling pets right down isn't he?

e said...

I love this cartoonist. Thanks for the heads up on this one.

Ms Brown Mouse said...

E - a pleasure to be sure.