Monday, December 22

Got a dozen eggies ... ?

... check.
Got a dozen slices of the best bacon I could find?
Got pastry all ready?
Got loads of lovely home-grown herbage?
Double check.
Right then, let the egg&bacon pie* baking begin.

*NO, not a quiche, a proper, log-like, layered, egg&bacon pie.


Roo said...

hmmmm, make one for me ;o)

Pink Granite said...

Yes please, one for me too!
My first thought was quiche, but then I read your note.
Is it more like a strudel?
Is there any cheese involved?
- Lee

Pink Granite said...

Is it perhaps something like this:
- Lee

Ms Brown Mouse said...

Roo & Lee, postage prohibitive and messy. Pop over to the annex (link added now) and you can make your own.

cookiecrumb said...

No. Twelve eggs? Gurrrp.
Even so. Yum.

Anonymous said...

Cookie, just go out and squeeze a few chickens till they give you what you need!